Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Font Poem

For my font poem, I chose the quote "If you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be noisy and colorful and loud." I chose this because it it expressed my outlook on life. If you go through life without doing anything, you're wasting your time. The quote also contained colorful language that I could turn into interesting font designs.

I used many different fonts to create my poem. In order I used: Banco Std, Balzano Std, Latin St, Balzano Std, ITC Ozwald Std, Rosewood Std, ITC Anna St, Juniper Std, Copal St, Greymantle MVB Std, Immi 505 Std for the "ands", Synchro LET, and Shruiken Boy St. I also used different tools to adjust the shape of the words, like manipulating the horizontal and vertical distortion, creating a bulge effect on the word, and using the fish-eye shape. The program allowed me to also create different effects with words, like, creating a rainbow effect in "colorful" and creating both outward and inward glows.

I arranged the words in the way I thought they would have the biggest impact, making "noisy, colorful, and lively" bigger and more colorful so they would stand out. I encountered a problem when I had to turn the background black and the font white. I discovered this could be accomplished by opening a new document with a white background, then going to Edit-Fill- and then selecting black. I am most proud of the ways I manipulated the color and shape of the words to achieve the effect that I wanted.
When adding animation, I did not want the words and collage to show up at the same time. The words tending to obscure the image, taking away from its impact. Also, having all the words on screen at the same time tended to crowd the picture. Having certain words on screen at the same time also emphasized the message I was trying to get across. Adding effect, such as having words fade in and out, also enhanced the animation and made it more interesting.

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